The Social Media news desk: the big earned media opportunity your PR is missing

Traditional public relations isn’t as effective as it used to be with fast growing technology and digital social media. Fewer South Africans rely on television and radio for news since most people get their news on the go, on Twitter, Facebook and news apps. Public relations professionals have to adapt to the ever-changing social and digital age.

Many news mediums have social media or digital desk that are always looking for fresh content to publish on shared media channels.

Sending news to the social media desk as soon as the story breaks is the smartest way to be on the ball when it comes to current affairs. Turning your client’s news pitch or news releases into shared and owned media content to pitch to the social media desk is effective, since more content and stories are needed at different times than normal news channels.

LinkedIn is a recommended platform to find these contacts, since social media editors, coordinators, and content managers of news outlets will not likely appear in traditional media database like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Digital news desks should be made easier to create content and publish it directly to their social media networks. Make sure the pitch includes content you’d like published, including edited copy, additional information about your client and the client’s social media handles (for tagging).

by Smangele Shandu

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