Top 5 Customer Service Tips; Part two

In our previous blog we covered part one of our top customer service tips. if you missed it click on this link to review it>>> Top 5 Customer Service Tips part one.

In part two we are going to cover;

3. Practice Authenticity

4. How to execute Customer service using Social Media

5. Under Promise over deliver at all times

Part two;

3. Practice Authenticity:

The reason why we have included authenticity as part of our customer service tips is because it is so important. Excellent customer service should be genuine at all times. In your business you have to set the standard for your employees to follow because it starts with you. Your mission statement as a company should be centered around how you deliver excellent customer service to your customers/clients. If you are running a small business and you probably don’t have a million rand budget to spend on marketing and advertising your key to success is how you treat your customers/clients it’s that simple. If you treat your customers/clients as if they are the most important people in the world and you do it genuinely they will continue to invest in your business and will do word of mouth marketing for you. The trick here is to do it authentically and ensure your employees follow suite as well. The biggest mistake with big corporations is that their customer service is too scripted. For example if you are in a supermarket shopping for groceries and you can’t find what you are looking for, so you go to one of the store representatives in the isle and you ask them to show you where you can find what you are looking for. Normally what would happen is they would tell where to look but with not enough information, so you end up going to someone else until eventually you get there. Do you get what we are trying to say?

4. How to execute Customer service using Social Media

Now social media is an excellent platform you can use in order to increase your customer service as a business, but the problem is most small businesses in fact event your major corporate companies are missing out on this golden opportunity. You find that they post something that interests you and you either send a message or a DM(Direct Message) but you only get a response a couple of hours later if you are lucky or most likely in a day or two, or in extreme cases you never get a response. What happens sometimes is that you communicate your problem via social media and you are given a contact number to call in order to resolve your issue. And you probably thinking to yourself ‘What’s the point of having a social media account if you can’t solve my problem?”  Now as a small business owner social media is your best bet to not only attract more customers but to ensure you keep your existing customers happy.

5. Under Promise over deliver at all times;

Out of these five tips this is probably the most important one. it is based on a simple business principle which says ‘if you take good care of your clients, they will take care of your profits.’ When it comes to customer service always under promise and over deliver. Because it costs 5 times more to get a new client than it is to recruit a new one. If you take of your clients they will not only spend more money on what your business is offering but they will also become your sales representatives and get you more business. The secret here is that once a client/customer trusts your brand they wouldn’t think twice to pay double the amount for another product/service you offer, because they know they will be getting value for their money. And that’s another thing, when it comes to operating your business don’t focus on the money, focus on delivering on what you promised. The biggest mistake made by companies is that once they have taken your money they forget about you. Don’t make the same mistake.

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